Saturday, July 08, 2006

Emmy Awards

The Emmy Awards are United States television production awards, similar to the Peabody Awards but more focused on entertainment.
Three related but separate organizations present Emmy Awards:
- the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences honors national prime time entertainment (excluding sports);
- the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences recognizes daytime, sports, news and documentary programming; and
- the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences honors programming originating outside the United States.

The first Emmy Awards were presented on January 25, 1949 at the Hollywood Athletic Club. The name "Emmy" was a feminization of "immy", a nickname used for the image orthicon tubes that were common in early television cameras. Shirley Dinsdale has the distinction of receiving the very first Emmy in the first awards ceremony. The Emmy Awards trophies are currently made by a private company with a manufacturing site at the maximum security El Dorado Correctional Facility, in El Dorado, Kansas.
The statuette of a winged woman holding an atom has since become the symbol of the TV Academy's goal of supporting and uplifting the art and science of television: The wings represent the muse of art; the atom the electron of science. It was created by television engineer Louis McManus, using his wife as a model.

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